Understanding Intellectual Property Rights: A Guide for Creators 

Lawrence Lessig, an American legal scholar, and political activist proclaims that “Notwithstanding the fact that the most innovative and progressive space we have seen – the internet- has been the place where intellectual property has been least respected.” In other words, the internet, which has turned out to be a blessing for humanity, has also remained a platform where the intellectual property of the masses has not been secure from mishaps like copying, plagiarism, stealing and even exploiting. 

A lot of creators over the internet are not even aware of the stealing and manipulation of their mind works by various other people without any conscience or regard to the original creator. In the age of technology and digitalization, intellectual property holds the same importance as material property and sometimes even more than that. It plays a crucial role in an economy by changing, adding, or diminishing the market value of things in business and thus can lead to the company or the individual bearing consequences varying from monetary loss to mental strain. 

What are IP and IPRs? 

IP i.e., intellectual property, can be any original creation by the creators in the form of artistic works, literature endeavors, technical ideas, and scientific discoveries. It comprises any form of creative work, ranging from a poem on your Instagram page to your start-up ideas. There are numerous ways in which intellectual property can be protected from any form of exploitation depending upon what kind of intellectual property it is. All these creations are protected under laws with strict norms. IP law is not merely a hoax but has been implemented by various countries like the US, UK, France, Germany, India, and others across the globe, the punishment ranging from monetary compensation to imprisonment. 

Now, IPRs short for Intellectual Property Rights refer to a set of legal rights that bestows the ownership of the content or ideas to the creator or the inventor for a certain period. Further, it protects their ideas, works, and discoveries from being manipulated, exploited, or stolen. These rights make sure that the original creators’ works will not be misused or even used by the people without the consent of the original creator. This results in the springing of the creative ownership to the rightful person. The IPRs can be of diverse types, notably Patents, Copyright, Trademarks, Trade secrets, Industrial design, and Geographical indications. Among the mentioned IPRs, the first four are the most preferable ones.  

Data Protection and Infringement Prevention 

Modern-day capitalism is multi-dimensional, where intellectual property is vital for the sustainable long run. But, at the same time, all these innovative ideas and creations are prone to misuse and manipulation. Even after many rules and laws against infringement, many people are disregarding copyright protection and delving into unauthorized data sharing, distributing, and copying. Any kind of infringement causes copyright breach or damage, resulting in eroding, degrading the content, and disregarding ownership of the rightful owner.  

Even after framing IP laws in various parts of the world, there is still a crisis of management against infringement and violation. The challenge particularly lies in the breaches like Piracy and Counterfeiting, accompanied by the theft of ideas and manipulation. These infringements in various artists’ fields result in distinct aftermaths namely, revenue loss, market disruptions, business interruptions, decline in the risk-taking abilities in the creative field, and sometimes even curbing the start-up enthusiasm.  

Ensure Your Artist Rights with MyIPR  

The technology-driven world is run by a click of your fingers, where it will take hardly a minute to copy-paste your hard labor of many years or many days. This is where comes the MyIPR, the Saviour of your ideas and inventions from theft and manipulation. MyIPR is designed for streamlining and safeguarding the possession of your creation. What makes it really special is its foundation that is powered by blockchain which enables its authenticity and decentralized infrastructure. It has a hassle-free interface with end-to-end comprehensive IP service.

Backed by WIPO laws and enabled by blockchain allow MyIPR to provide users with verified certificates of possession of their creation, admissible in the court of law in case of infringement. Also, it is donned with timestamping technology, further increasing your sense of security. Besides, it has been developed with advanced machine learning algorithms that will be able to recognize and detect the similarities between different works, again dodging any possible infringement or plagiarism. 


It is evident that with the new-age technology, every day is full of wonders, but just like every innovation has both advantages and disadvantages, the internet, and the world on it has its share too. IP and IPRs have popped out to be an integral part of everyday lives, especially those of the creators and the artists. The creators around every nook and corner of the world have faced these issues sometimes, where their content or idea has been copied, stolen, mimicked, or even plagiarized by someone without their consent. There have been endless efforts which have been made persistently to curb the situation.  

Your intellectual property and its related fields are subject to not just your creative legacy but also your artistic expression, and hence they face a series of challenges, threatening the integrity of your work and ideas. Thus, it is imperative to tackle these obstacles to maintain a secure environment to nourish your artistic demeanor. MyIPR aligns with the same aim, by not just protecting your creation by layering it with a certificate of ownership but also monetizing your works to encourage your creative goals.      

For more information and queries, please visit MyIPR, a user-friendly application that will ensure the safety of the content and creation of all the emerging as well as the established creators out there.   

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